The recreational home-automation project

On these pages you can follow our project to apply home-automation to our recreational homes like motorhomes, campers, boats or cottage. Today we have several separate systems installed for moitoring and managing installed systems. There are typically systems for heating and there are systems for monitoring levels of freshwater, greywater, battery voltage etc. And many of these systems are not possible to monitor or manage on your our smartdevices or over the internet.
The development of home automation systems and IoT (Internet Of Things) are getting more and more mature, so why not try to implement this in our recreational vehicles as well? You can follow the progression of our DIY project when we post articles containing products, programs and systems used in our motorhome.
The goal for our first systems are :
- Central unit with MQTT & WEB server and connection to the Internet
- Environment sensors and alarms (gas, fire, movement, temp, humidity)
- Level sensors (gasbottle weight, battery, freshwater, greywater, toilet)
- Levelling sensor (easy levelling of the motorhome or camper)
- Controlling TRUMA or ALDE systems.
- GPS with freecampersguide installed
An important aspect of the systems will be low power consumption wich enables the SmartCamper gadgets to run on batteries or solar power.
Eventually you will find some ready made “packages” in the our WEBSHOP based on experienses made in this project. – So stay tuned!
Information for how to make your own “SmartCamper” based on our experiences. Posted as user guides and open source code.
- Tips & Tutorials
- Inspiration gallery
- API's for developers
Links and information about hardware, software and configurations used in our project. We will also sell “packages” with all necessary hardware and software bundled and configured ready for use.
- Hardware
- Software
- Packages

A small and affordable computer for your DYI computing projects. Well suited for IoT projects with builtin WiFi and a lot of GPIO pins.

An interpreted high-level general purpose programming language. The Pyton language has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability.

A flow-based development tool for visual programming. Developed for wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services as part of the Internet of Things.